Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Korean Raw Fish session

If you visit Korean raw fish restaurant they will serve you different variety of raw fish and different color raw fish. Also shell fish (Oysters) both raw and cooked. They serve lot of side dishes with different taste and attraction way. If some one treat you raw fish for a meal in Korea it means you are very respectable and treatable person for them...;)...because it's very expensive


  1. Wow, they look so nice. I guess you can get full just by looking at them :)

  2. Hi, this is PCNB (Presidential Council on Nation Branding). How have you been doing? We’ve been sending WSK Newsletters and other announcements on a regular basis, but it seems that not too many of you are checking emails. The email regarding the invitation to the musical “Sachoom” (scheduled Feb. 24) doesn’t seem to have reached many of you either. It’s regretful that just a few will be watching that wonderful musical. We are planning a cultural tour sometime in March, so please keep your eyes out for the announcement. Also, we are going to make more frequent visits to your blogs and check your postings. So, make sure you keep up with your blogging activities. If you have any questions or messages for us, feel free to contact! (mkshin@koreabrand.go.kr / 02-2280-2778)
